OSHA Safety Courses for Compliance
If you're looking for OSHA Safety courses to add in to your Corporate CPR/AED and First Aid Emergency Response Program, you're in luck. We can add these as part of your program at package rates or a-la-carte! (Programs are National Safety Council courses)
These courses are addressed in specific standards for the general industry, shipyard employment, marine terminals, longshoring, and the construction industry. If you are not sure if your company must have these training courses, we've included a link to the OSHA website for you to gain more information.
To schedule or purchase one of these classes, just mention it in the notes on the contact form or discuss it with our representative when you call to create your customized OSHA compliance program!

Introduction to OSHA (OSHA-IO1)
2-hour training component emphasizing workers' rights. Required content in every 10- and 30-hour OSHA Construction, General Industry, and Maritime Outreach course.

Hazard Communication (OSHA-HC3)
The HCS provides people the right-to-know hazards and identities of chemicals they are exposed to in the workplace. It allows employees to take steps to effectively protect themselves.

Fire Protection (OSHA-FP5)
This standard covers fire prevention planning, drills, escape routes, fire extinguisher training and is required of most companies.

Bloodborne/Airborne Pathogens
OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard [29 CFR 1910.1030], is required for any employee who may come in contact with bloodborne pathogens, other potentially infectious materials (OPIM), or have occupational exposure.

Personal Protective Equipment (OSHA-PE4)
Personal protective equipment, or "PPE", is equipment worn to minimize exposure to serious workplace injuries and illnesses.

Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans & Fire Prevention
This OSHA standard requires emergency action plans for major incidents from disasters to fires, and includes training and drills in these plans.